Gr. 5: Vocabulary - study unit 9 for a test Wednesday (next week)
Reading - p. 101 Practice Book; p. 102 Practice Book
SS - p. 123 Chart Skill #1-2; Write about the effects of the 5 exchanged items
Spelling - test Tuesday on unit 19; study unit 20 for a test Monday (next week)
ELA - p. 189 A#6-10 and B#11-15; p. 190 #1-5 and p. 191 A#6-10; p. 193 A#6-10 and B#11-15
Gr. 4: Spelling - test Tuesday on unit 19; study unit 20 for a test Monday (next week)
ELA - Practice booklet #2 answer question 7; review all practice work done each day in preparation for the NYS ELA test
SS - p. 173 Map Skill; read about the War of 1812 for tomorrow; p. 175 Quick Check; How was life in Colonial times different from yours today?