Gr. 5: Monday: Religion - To whom did Jesus give the authority to forgive?
SS - p. 299 Map Skill
Spelling - test today on unit 33
ELA - p. 455 B#6-10
Tuesday: Reading - finish reading I Want to Vote!
SS - Who won the Battle of Yorktown? Who assisted their victory?
ELA - p. 507 #1-10
Wednesday: Vocabulary - study unit 15 for a test next Monday
SS - write a summary about the Treaty of Paris
Spelling - study unit 34 for a test next Monday
Thursday: SS - Explain how lands became new states
Friday: Reading - p. 207 Practice Book
Religion - draw a picture showing the theme "forgiveness"
SS - draw map on p. 314
ELA - p. 509 #1-5
Gr. 4: Monday: ELA - NYS ELA test session 1 -- Reading (45 minutes)
Spelling - test today on unit 33
SS - p. 307 Quick Check
Tuesday: ELA - NYS ELA test session 2 -- Listening (45 minutes)
SS - Name one senator from New York State
Wednesday: ELA - NYS ELA test session 3 -- Reading/Writing (60 minutes)
Spelling - study unit 34 for a test next Monday
SS - p. 308 Quick Check and "What You Learned"
Thursday: SS - What is meant by the term "naturalized citizen"?
Friday: ELA - p. 183 A#6-10 and B#11-15