Gr. 5: Mon. -- Reading - p. 241 Practice Book
Religion - draw a picture of Jesus healing a person who is blind, deaf, or lame
Tues. -- Reading - p. 242 Practice Book
SS - p. 374 Map Skill
ELA - read p. 526 "Types of Sentences"
Wed. -- Reading - Have you finished reading the 25 books?
ELA - p. 527 #1-10 (also add the punctuation)
Thurs. -- SS - p. 381 Reading Check
ELA - p. 527 #1-5
Gr. 4: Mon. -- ELA - p. 269 A#6-10 and B#11-15
SS - review DBQ work
Tues. -- SS - DBQ pp. 28-29 #1-6 (scaffolding questions)
Wed. -- ELA - p. 275 A#6-10 and B#11-15
SS - review DBQ work
Thurs. -- SS - review DBQ work