Wednesday, September 24, 2014

4th Grade Writing Assignment

In class we read the story "Yingtao's New Friend". The story is about a little boy who moves to a new country. His parents make him join the orchestra and play the violin even though he is not good at it. He makes a friend named Matthew and invites him to his house. During the reading the students noticed many cultural differences. They are to write a 1 to 2 page paper and should include the following information:

- How would you feel if you were Yingtao? Retell the events as it was YOU in the story.
-What type of dinner would your family serve?

Paper can be typed and is due MONDAY!

Writing Assignment

In class this week we read " Looking For A Home". This story is about three brothers who were put on the orphan train to find new families and the struggles they went through. Students are asked to write a paper 2 to 3 pages about Orphan Trains. Their writing must include the following information:

- What is an Orphan Train?
- How did children become a part of it?
- Discuss the events that happened to Lee and his brothers.
- Your personal feelings

Assignment is DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1st.

Students can type the assignment.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Homework for Friday, September 19th, 2014

Vocabulary workbook pages 24 and 25

Writing: Students are to write a two page paper (1 page back and front) about what is the proper ways to act in a school setting. They can describe different settings (lunchroom, classroom, fire drill, gym ect)

**Please sign and return the LAST page in the student hand book.  

Current Events Project (4th and 5th grade)

                                    Current Events

Current events articles will be collected twice a month (on Fridays). I have attached a list of dates that articles are due. The articles are to be collected from the newspaper or can be printed from the internet (newspaper). Students must answer the questions below about their articles. They are to write or type out their assignment. All assignments are to be between two and three paragraphs. Be sure to check for have proper punctuation, capitalization and good sentence structure. If you need any assistance completing the activities, or if you need help locating articles, you may come see me. Please do not wait until the last night to complete these assignments, as they will take some time.

Questions to answer:

• Who is the article about?

• What happened/what is the main idea in the article?

• When did this event take place?

• Where did the topic of the article or event occur?

• Why did this occur or how does this affect us?

• Your feelings?

“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.”

                                -Pearl Buck

                               Dates Current Event Articles are due:

*All these dates are on a FRIDAY*

• September 19th

• October 3rd

• October 17th

• November 7th

• November 21st

• December 5th

• December 19th

• January 9th

• January 23rd

• February 6th

• February 20th

• March 6th

• March 20th

• April 3rd

• April 17th

• May 1st

• May 15th

• May 29th

• June 5th

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome to Fifth Grade

Dear Parents,

               Welcome to the 5th Grade! My name is Ms. Verrecchio. I am going to be your child's teacher for this exciting school year. I look forwards to sharing the time with each and every child. In order to make this year as productive as possible your support and cooperation is needed. Here are a few things I would like you to be aware of:

  • School beings at 7:55. All students are expected to be on time. Dismissal is at 2:35. Please pick up your child in the back of the schoolyard at the first door. 
  • Homework will be given EVERY night! Homework will be based on the lessons taught in school that day. All homework must be completed and signed by a parent. Homework will be written on the board and each child will be responsible to copy it into their homework notebook.
  • Students will know in advance when they will have a test. EVERY Thursday they will have a reading test. The test will be based on the story and skill we worked on in class that week. EVERY Friday they will have a spelling and vocabulary test. Students are to make corrections to their test on loose leaf. Test MUST BE signed and returned the next day.
  • When your child is absent please ensure that when they return to school they have an absent note.
  • There will be a Parent-Teacher Notebook. It will go home with the students every night and it MUST come back to school every day. This notebook is so we can communicate on a daily basis if needed. Any questions or concerns should be written in the notebook.
  • PLEASE check the homework folder every night!

Thank you
Ms. Verrecchio