Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome to Fifth Grade

Dear Parents,

               Welcome to the 5th Grade! My name is Ms. Verrecchio. I am going to be your child's teacher for this exciting school year. I look forwards to sharing the time with each and every child. In order to make this year as productive as possible your support and cooperation is needed. Here are a few things I would like you to be aware of:

  • School beings at 7:55. All students are expected to be on time. Dismissal is at 2:35. Please pick up your child in the back of the schoolyard at the first door. 
  • Homework will be given EVERY night! Homework will be based on the lessons taught in school that day. All homework must be completed and signed by a parent. Homework will be written on the board and each child will be responsible to copy it into their homework notebook.
  • Students will know in advance when they will have a test. EVERY Thursday they will have a reading test. The test will be based on the story and skill we worked on in class that week. EVERY Friday they will have a spelling and vocabulary test. Students are to make corrections to their test on loose leaf. Test MUST BE signed and returned the next day.
  • When your child is absent please ensure that when they return to school they have an absent note.
  • There will be a Parent-Teacher Notebook. It will go home with the students every night and it MUST come back to school every day. This notebook is so we can communicate on a daily basis if needed. Any questions or concerns should be written in the notebook.
  • PLEASE check the homework folder every night!

Thank you
Ms. Verrecchio