Wednesday, March 4, 2015

4th Grade Social Studies Study Guide

Chapter 3

Know the following definitions:

- explorer
- Northwest Passage
- trading post
- colony
- culture
- investor
- profit
- patroon
- tenant farmer
- tolerance
- slavery
- proprietor
- free trade

Be able to answer the following questions:

1. Why were Europeans exploring land in New York?

2. What geographic features in New York are named for explorers?

3. How did the colonly of New Netherland begin to grow?

4. Why did the Dutch West India Company establish New Netherland?

5. How did the Dutch West India Company hope to get settlers for its colony?

6. What Dutch traditions continued after New Netherland became an English colony?

7. How did the Dutch traditions shape New York colony?

8. What made the Dutch colonists surrender to the English warships?

9.  Why do you tink many non-Dutch people moved to New Netherland?