Friday is a Professional Day for the Teachers -- No School on Friday
Gr. 5: Monday - Reading -- p. 141 Practice Book
SS -- Name 4 Colonial cities and tell why they were important
Spelling -- test today on unit 25
Tuesday - Vocabulary -- study unit 12 for a test next Monday
SS -- p. 208 Map Skill
ELA -- p. 343 A#11-15 and C#16-20
Wednesday - Reading -- p. 142 Practice Book
SS -- p. 212 Diagram Skill
Spelling -- study unit 26 words for a test next Monday
ELA -- p. 347 B#11-15 and C#16-20
Thursday - Reading -- p. 147 Practice Book
ELA - p. 345 B#16-20 and C#21-25
Gr. 4: Monday - Spelling -- test today on unit 25
ELA -- review all preparation work for the NYS ELA test
SS -- How does your home compare to a tenement?
Tuesday - ELA -- review all preparation work for the NYS ELA test
SS -- copy time line on p. 239
Wednesday - Spelling -- study unit 26 words for a test next Monday
SS -- p. 243 Diagram Skill
Thursday - ELA -- review all preparation work for the NYS ELA test