Gr.5: Monday: Vocabulary - test today on unit 12
Reading - p. 151 Practice Book
SS - p. 217 Reading Check
Spelling - test today on unit 26
ELA - p. 351 A#11-15
Tuesday: SS - p. 219 #1-3
ELA - p. 353 A#6-10
Wednesday: Reading -p. 153 Practice Book
Spelling - study unit 27 words for a text next Monday
ELA - p. 355 A#6-10
Thursday: Reading - How does "When the Rain Came Up from China" show
SS - What other businesses were created because of shipbuilding?
ELA - p. 357 A#6-10
Friday: Reading: p. 161 Practice Book
SS - p. 220 Map Skill #1-2
ELA - p. 417 A#6-10 and B#11-15
Gr. 4: Monday to Friday: ELA - review all class work in preparation for the NYS ELA
test scheduled for April 26-27-28
Monday: Spelling - test today on unit 26
SS - list some ways machines helped farmers
Tuesday: SS - p. 247 Quick Check
Wednesday: SS - write a paragraph explaining how factories have improved since
Thursday: SS - explain the event of the Triangle Fire in NYC
Friday: SS - p. 249 Quick Check